PUBLIC Speaking
Community engagement and curiosity have greatly empowered me as a technologist.
I love exploration. It’s led me to develop a knack for deconstructing complex topics. My contributions to the video game industry are a direct result of me being in a unique position to educate and inform others on trends and issues that will effect our future.
Being energetic and curious define my public speaking style. My talks make challenging subjects accessible by focusing on the technical content rather than the acronyms and buzz words surrounding a topic.
Pecha Kucha
The Transformative Power of Play
SolarPunk- Sustainability, Futurism
Community of VR/AR Tech
The Power of Speculative Fiction to Moonshot Solutions for Our Future
Diversity and Inclusion
Esports (marketing, trends, projections)
Panel Moderation
Building Ethical Practices - Trends in ethics and their practical applications in tech and gaming
Intro to Gamification
Critical Thinking Mechanics
Leveling Up
Community Building around new products/technologies
Planning a talk involves hours of preparation including research, writing, and creating visual media for my presentation. If your event is for a for-profit entity, the honorarium/fee will be dependent upon what the speaking opportunity requires. At minimum, travel and lodging accommodations are expected. Workshops require payment and the cost is dependent upon the length of the workshop, resources required, and more. Starting rates for speaking engagements may vary. Please email for booking details.
Are you a non-profit?
I donate a portion of my time each year to non-profit entities that are dedicated to positive social impact. Donations are an essential component of the support that enables non-profits to function as a strong resource that brings solutions to the community. All donations are given to established 501-(c)3's that provide documentation for tax purposes.
CES TECH TALK - How Is Gaming Ripe for Disruption? listen to podcast
GOOGLE DIGITAL COACHES - How To Create Dynamic Visual Branding view video
VIRTUAL REALITY, TORONTO - Barrier Breaking: VR For Everyone
THE STRONG MUSEUM - Women in Games
MUSEUM OF SCIENCE AN INDUSTRY - 2019 Black Creativity Innovators view video
VENTURE BEAT - Making games more accessible with the Xbox Adaptive Controller view video
VENTURE BEAT - American adults play video games view video
VENTURE BEAT - Gaming’s ‘Black Panther moment’ is coming, but it won’t be like the film view video
I value every speaking opportunity that allows me to share my love of games and tech! Reach out to me to discuss your upcoming event.